Refresh Your Makeup Look

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Tips to Refresh Your Makeup Look

Tired of the same old makeup looks? Want to make a change, but not sure how? Here are my tips for refreshing your makeup look with out starting from scratch.

Try a New Type of Foundation

Maybe you’ve been using a liquid foundation you want to a cream foundation or you’ve been using a cream and you want to try a powder. Change up your your foundation formula and see how you like the way you skin looks. You can also try a different application technique for a subtle change, or even just to make it quicker to get through your morning routine.

Try New Colors

My favorite way to refresh a makeup look is try new colors especially if you tend to always wear the same colors. Trying a new color eyeliner is a fantastic way to add a nice fun pop of color to your look and still keep the rest of it fairly neutral. You don’t have to do anything really wild just change one add a little bit of color somewhere. So either some new eye shadow colors a new eyeliner color or even a new lipstick color.

If you’re always been classic red maybe try some great pinks or some nudes or some berries or if you’ve always been in the nude shades maybe try something in a fun bright color. Don’t do bright eyeliner and bright lipstick together though, just pick one.

You don’t have to make it a drastic change. If you’ve always worn solid black eyeliner you can get a softer look using a brown or a gray shade. Even a green or a purple to just soften up your look and make it not as dramatic or even as harsh as the black eyeliner can be.

Try Something Completely New

You can also try something completely new. Adding even the most subtle highlighting or contouring can make a big change in your makeup look. Or go for a completely new way of applying your look, like switching from a four shade very contoured eyeshadow to a simple one of two shade soft blend or vice versa. Even just switching from lip stick to liquid matte or a sheer gloss can be a simple way to refresh your whole look.

Always used powder eye shadow? Check out a new form of eye shadow, like liquids, creams or gels. You may even find that these easy to use forms speed up your morning routine.

Remember Change Can Be Hard

As you look to refresh your makeup keep in mind that if you have gotten used to a specific look especially over many many years, I guarantee you you’re gonna think you look funny when you try something new you know. You’ll want to try your new look a few times until you start to get used to it before you decide if it will become a regular part of your makeup repertoire.

Trying something new can be scary for sure, so take advantage of the virtual try on tool on my online store to try out new shades of almost all of our makeup offerings to narrow down your choices. You can even save a picture of the shades you tried on so create a few looks and look back at the pictures over a few days to see which ones you really like and ease yourself into that new look.

Array of Avon Makekup
Ultimate Makeup Guide

Makeup routines range from a quick mascara and lipstick all the way to a full face with all the bells and whistles. Whether you have a go-to look you wear every day or you like to change it up based on your mood or what’s on your plate for that day, Let’s take a look at all the steps you might like to add in your makeup routine and the products and tips that can help you get the perfect look and routine for you.

Visit Ultimate Makeup Guide

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Home » Thoughts On Beauty Blog » Beauty Tips » Makeup Tips » Refresh Your Makeup Look

Last Updated on January 24, 2023 by avonladychris


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