Why I Love Avon and How to Join

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 Why I Love Avon and How to Join

Hi My name is Chris Arnold and I’m an Avon Independent Sales Representative and I’d like to tell you a little bit about my Avon journey and why I think Avon is so great.

My Avon Journey

I was introduced to Avon many years ago as a child.  My Mom and my Gramma were both regular Avon customers and My Mom was even a Representative herself a time or two.  I had many vintage products you might remember including a Sweet Honesty Perfume in a bottle that looks like a teddy bear, those adorable pins with solid perfume in them and grew up with the lip balms and bubble baths.

25 years ago, I was a young wife and mom and I had given up my full-time job to stay home with my daughter while working weekends to supplement my husband’s income.  That meant money was a little tight so when one of my coworkers brought in an Avon brochure, I thought how much I would love to get the lip balm and bubble bath I loved so much but knew those types of luxuries just weren’t in the budget.  Then I realized that I knew enough people who loved Avon as much as I did that I could easily sell enough to pay for my lip balm and bubble bath so I became a representative.

In addition to those friends I already knew who loved Avon, I did the old school Avon thing of going door to door in my neighborhood and picked up many more customers and not only was I getting my own products for free, I was actually making money that we used to get those little extras that just weren’t in the budget. Oh, and those neighbors also became my friends.

A year into my Avon journey, shortly before my younger daughter was born, I lost the part time job. I knew finding a job that let me stay home with my daughters while my husband worked, when I was going to have to take maternity leave in a matter of weeks was going to be VERY hard. So, my husband and I decided that I would put some more effort into this Avon thing that I had already been doing pretty good at and hopefully that would be enough to get us by for the next couple of months. Turns out that the extra effort increased my earnings enough to not only keep us afloat, it was enough that I never did end up looking for another job. 

Being an Avon Representative really was the best thing for my family.  It allowed me to be there for my daughters as they grew up and now that they are grown women off on their own, I can’t imagine doing anything else. I have made so many friends from all over the country and cherish the relationships I’ve built with my customers and my team members.

The Products

One of the things I’ve always loved most about Avon is the variety of products we offer, and since we became part of the LG Household and Health family we have even more to offer and really are a one stop shop.  We have expanded our product line to not only include some wonderful new makeup, skincare and bath and body products, but we can now help you stock your first aid kit, keep your smile bright, clean your home with ease (and less harsh chemicals), and experience beauty from within with supplements.

Just a few of the products my family uses are things to keep us clean like: shampoo and body wash and toothpaste; things to keep our home clean like: laundry detergent, cleaning spray and wipes, sponges and stain removers; Of course we use things like skincare, makeup and perfume, and a good portion of my wardrobe came from Avon.

That expanded product line not only means that I can buy so many products from my own store and save on my personal purchases, it also means I have something to offer just about everyone so it’s easier than ever to earn money

Work from Anywhere

Another thing that has changed dramatically over the years is how and where we find our customers and new team members.  Instead of knocking on doors, I meet people when I’m out and about, and I promote my business online from wherever I may be.  Instead of being limited by where I can physically go to deliver orders and work with team members, my customers and team are now spread out all over the country. By taking advantage of my online store my customers can get their orders shipped right to their door while still getting the personal service from their friendly Avon Lady in the way that works best for them, be it by phone, text or social media.  And my team connects by video chat, Facebook Group, private messaging or phone. It’s a far cry from the days of the very first Avon Lady back in 1886, Mrs Albee, who traveled by train and carriage with a large case of product to sell.

4 Ways to Earn

In addition to our discount on our personal purchases, Avon offers 4 ways to earn, 3 through sales and one through Leadership. 

We earn a commission on sales to face to face customers when we order their products and deliver them.  Avon provides every representative a free website where customers anywhere in the country can place orders and Avon will process and ship that order for us and we earn commission on those as well.  You can also earn while helping your community when you partner with people and organizations that need to raise funds.  When we go into Leadership, Avon rewards us for helping others get started as representatives and showing them how to do what we do.


Plus, Avon loves offering incentives.  From bonus opportunities for new representatives to all expenses paid trips, Avon showers us with prizes and cash bonuses for doing the things and hitting the goals that build our business.
I’ve personally earned many of the cash bonuses and enjoy so many of the gifts that I’ve received over the years. Just this year I’ve earned travel gift cards and hundreds of dollars in free products of my choice. I’ve earned many awards as a top seller and top leader over the years and I’ve earned 3 of those all-expense paid trips and let me tell you, once you’ve been on an Avon trip you really don’t want to miss one. They go all out for us providing us the best accommodations, food and experiences. I’m currently working towards a trip to Hawaii and it will be my first time there.

And even more perks

As a representative you can also take advantage of Avon Perks. Avon has arranged discounts from stores and services that you’re often using already, everything from office supplies, to cell phone service to discounts on travel and cars.  Perks offers are always being updated so you never know what great deals you’ll find. We even have access to group health insurance plans.

Join Now

What do you think?  Do you want to join us?

It is super easy to get started, in fact you can do that in about 5 minutes.

Step by Step Guide to Signing Up With Avon

You can get started by going to this link – avon.com/becomearep?rep=carnold which will connect you to my team, the Sunrise Beauty Team for experienced support.

If you were directed to this video by another representative on the Sunrise Beauty Team, Please confirm with them the correct link to use to sign up so that you will be attached to them as your advisor. You’ll still get the support of the whole Sunrise Beauty Team, we just want the person who referred you to get credit for that.

As you are completing your enrollment, you’ll have a choice of start up options. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about which option will be the best for you.

What’s next

Once you’ve completed your enrollment, you’ll be directed right into AvonNow which is like our back office. From there you can set up your online store, place orders, and access all of the training and support that Avon provides us.  I recommend Avon U as a good place to start exploring to learn how to navigate AvonNow and how to make those first contacts with potential customers.

Be sure to check in with me before you place your first order so I can give you the details on the current incentives for placing your first order so you don’t miss out on any of the great bonuses available to you.

I’ll reach out by text and email shortly after you complete your enrollment so keep an eye out for those, and feel free to contact me any time with questions. In fact, I want you to ask me questions.  So many times I hear from reps that they don’t want to bother me, but I understand that this is a new experience for you and that it is impossible to know every thing you need to know as soon as you get started so I would much rather take the time to answer your questions than have you miss out on something or potentially make a mistake that could have been avoided.

I look forward to getting to know you and working with you to make your Avon business the perfect fit for you.  Talk to you soon.

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Home » Thoughts On Beauty Blog » Avon Lady Life » Why I Love Avon and How to Join

Last Updated on November 16, 2022 by avonladychris

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