BTS ~ Getting orders ready for delivery

Behind the Scenes with the Avon Lady

Getting orders ready for delivery

  Every 2 weeks I get a shipment from Avon with products for the customers that I deliver to in person. Here’s a little peek at the process of getting that shipment ready for delivery.     

Before the shipment arrives I (ok, usually my husband) prep the books that I will include in the customer orders.    

Next up is unpacking the boxes and sorting the products.     

This was actually a smaller order, only 25 customer orders that I will deliver in person.  The rest were shipped directly to the customers from Avon.  

One of the best parts of working from home…the co-workers. Freddie and Einstein are supervising today. If I do a good job I get a bonus of cuddles and kisses.  

All the orders are pulled, now to add the brochures and bag them.     

  All done and ready for my favorite part, visiting my customers.

Last Updated on January 20, 2022 by avonladychris

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