Tag: oily skin

  • Choosing a Facial Cleanser

    Choosing a Facial Cleanser

    So much focus is given to moisturizers and treatments when thinking of a skin care regimen, but as the first thing you’ll use each morning and night, choosing a facial cleanser is the foundation of a healthy skincare routine.

  • Why I Love belif Aqua Bomb

    Why I Love belif Aqua Bomb

    When Avon started carrying belif products a couple of years ago, I was curious about this product that was already a top seller at other retailers. Of course as the skincare junkie I am, I had to try it. One try was all it took, I am totally hooked and Aqua Bomb is still an…

  • Two New Cleansers That Melt Your Makeup Away

    Two New Cleansers That Melt Your Makeup Away

    I’m highlighting 2 of our new cleansers because they are perfect for cleansing on days when you have makeup and sunscreen to remove at the end of the day. Both remove makeup by melting it away. They can be used as the ideal first step in a double cleanse, or by themselves.

  • Best skincare for oily skin?

    Best skincare for oily skin?

    People with oily skin have to strike a delicate balance between moisturizing their skin and addressing the signs of aging while still maintaining a shine free complexion.  Here is the best skincare for oily skin that will help with that balancing act based on my personal experience.

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